God's Politics (Jim Wallis) - choose to fight
i have been reading this book for forever (it feels like at least). i will quite readily admit that i am not one who has ever gotten into politics, let alone american politics. however, while taking a long time to get into it, this book is really quite good - though mentions a lot of 'current' events that are already getting alittle dated, but the ideas behind it will always be current. i have had the time over the last few weeks to get some good 'chunk' time of reading in, and this has helped. so yes, i recommend the read.
the more i am becoming aware of justice and surrounding issues, the more i am learning about how to fight them. though i still feel really quite useless in the whole wider scheme of things, i am reminded daily of the difference i (well, God through me) can make in the lives of those around me. these days we all have the knowledge, we just have to make the choice to fight. unforutnately, we can tend to be a pretty lazy people. we are too comfortable, and seem to hold the idea that for poverty to be reduced, our lifestyles don't really need to change. i disagree. how can we expect the balance of wealth to be re-distributed, yet our lifestyles remain basically unchanged. in short, we can't.
choose to fight. choose to re-address the balance. realise that this can only happen if you are willing to change your lifestyle.