miss piggy - singing truth

last night i went with my team to a salvation army home for adults with developmental disabilities, as two of them were leading christian ed. this is the second we've been and i can't help but smile for most of the time i am there. some of these guys have so much joy it's not funny. anyway, i just wanted to share this morning, one specific thing that happened. they love to sing and so we sing. we were singing 'he's got the whole world in his hands' and one of the residents came in late with his worker. he had with him a dvd of the muppets with miss piggy on the front. he joined in the first verse no worries. but then when it got to the second verse, we all started to sing 'he's got the wind and the rain, in his hands', while this one particular resident, who we'll call 'Davie', began to sing, 'he's got miss piggy and davie, in his hands'. it was so funny, his worker laughed a lot, and the rest of us couldn't stop smiling at the least. it got to the third verse, we were all singing 'he's got everybody here, in his hands' and davie started singing, 'he's got davie and paul, in his hands'. now 'paul' was the resident sitting next to him. it really was quite lovely.
i couldn't help but think that 'davie' really did know what he was singing about. he wasn't just singing words, but singing truth that he knew.
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