Friday, September 14, 2007


adam is from sweden. he'snot officially part of the ignite team, but he's up here with us, checking out what we do, as he is part of the new S2S (saved 2 save) training school that is opening soon ingotland, sweden. adam is a great guy.
anyway, last night we were playing phase 10 - just adam, drew and i. we have been trying to learn to count in swedish. i am pretty good. i can get to 12 now. with the exception of 7. 7 is a very hard number for a native english speaker to say. if you know someone swedish, please ask them to say 7 for you. anyway, drew and i were repeating this number, which if we tried to spell it phonetically it could turn out something like qwhooo??? we couldn't even figure that out. so we kept repeating this number whne eventually adam said stop. we realised that for quite a substantial amount of time, we had been sitting there saying '7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, etc'. it was quite amusing. seriously, find someone swedish and ask them to say 7. then try it.

language is a funny thing. the igniters have had (dr, major) bruce here this week, teaching them bible. we've been looking at the language used and how it differs between the gospels, translations, etc. (check out cowboy jesus in matt 21:7).

language is fascinating really. and it is such a powerful thing. words. words have power. (but God has more).

i need to use my language, my words wisely.


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