Wednesday, September 12, 2007

balance + priorities

so when you put a new team of people together, make them live in close confines, stick them in classes together, make them eat together, play together, you get the idea, throw in some brain overload and tiredness, you are going to come into some times of fun. somethings that shouldn't be big deals are and somethings that should be big deals aren't. the world gets a little twisted.

life is a bit of a balancing act. some figure it out faster than others. it's a balance between things you need to do on your own, things you need to do with others, things you need to do for others. again, just to make this a little more confusing, i don't think the balance is necessarily the same for everyone. there is no balance prescription or schedule to follow.

i think i am at the point in my life, where i am getting a pretty good idea of what the best balance is for me (though i guess my life's about to change again, so it might be back to the drawing board shortly). i know how much time i should spend with God so that my relationship is doing (ha - that makes it sounds easy, fyi - it's not as simple as i've made it sound, but anyway), i know how much time and in what ways Matt and I should spend our time for our relationship to be pretty good, i know when i need to hang out with others, i know when i should be serving. blah blah blah. but, as i said, i am about to hit a new phase of my life, and just as i think i have been getting to a pretty good place, some aspects are going to change again!

isn't that the beauty of life? i think we sometimes get scared of change. but i have learnt that during times of change, when we get to start all over again, our slate is clean, we can re-prioritise our lives. it's actually a really sweet thing. and when my priorities are in the right order, when i have the right balance, this is when i feel most alive. and what is this secret to feeling the most alive i've ever felt - it's when God is given priority over everything and my relationship with Him is deeper and stronger than ever.


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