
i packed another box or two today. that's a good thing. for those of you who don't know, we are being evicted. the owner of our rented house lives overseas and is moving home and wants to live in his house. how rude. so packing is the go. it doesn't help that i like to keep things (some people refer to this as hoarding) and it doesn't help that i have things here that mum and dad and darren all left behind for me to look after. but that's ok. things always work out.
i also packed for camp tonight. for the next two nights i will be out in the bush, hiking and camping, yes, real camping - tents, no showers, no toilets - with 20 yr 9 (14yr olds) kids. it should be fun. the weather looks like it will be fine. i love spending time with the kids like this. it's awesoem - as long as i get sleep. sorry to those who were around when i was 12-16, i rarely slept when i went on camps and i am realising more and more how frustrating this must have been for some people.
did you realise that today, while i was driving around and packing and doing all these odd jobs, and you were doing what you were doing, that 30,000 children died due to extreme poverty...