Wednesday, November 09, 2005


tonight i read a little about hezekiah. he was a man, a great man, well respected and a leader in his city. however, at one point in his life, his heart became full of pride. his pride almost lead to disaster for the whole city.
i am sure there are times in my life when my attitude and/or my pride means that someone else misses out on something good. what a waste. maybe a bad attitude towards someone, who then doesn't get to show their full potential. or maybe my pride stops me from asking someone for help, who may need to feel useful or needed at that time in their life. or i don't congratulate someone on something they got, but i didn't get, because i am jealous. i could go on...but i won't!
i have seen some of these things in my life over the last few months and i am glad to report that i have made improvements. these improvements have allowed there to be kindness and concern that wasn't there before.
what selfish attitudes/behaviours do you change to give others a fair chance???

(p.s. i had my first night tonight of training to become a surf life saver. my friend, Sarah, from school does it and i am going to do it with her this summer down at lorne!!!)


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