i still call Australia home...
so i went for a late night swim on friday at the lake. i also went for a swim in the lake yesterday. the late night swim, unanimoulsy, was the better swim, even if we did have a handstand competition yesterday. the bit i missed was the waves. where were the waves? i missed the ocean. i missed my beach hair. i missed my bikini not staying on properly? hmm. not 100% sure about that last one, but it an be pretty funny, especially if beth is around...
i have realised, even more so over the last few days, how much i really really truly do love Australia. and i always knew that i LOVED Australia. i love the culture, i love melbourne, i love the weather (though you guys are probably not loving it so much right now, they told me yesterday that it gets down to -20 here in winter and that's without the windchill!!!!), i love the people. i love the colourful plastic money. i love it all really. i could go on, but i won't. the welcome note on my phone is 'i still call Australia home' and sometimes i will sing that song to myself and if i am not careful, i could cry!
so what has made me miss it more? well, dad leaves tonight to go home for three weeks. then kez and hil have just booked a trip home in september. i admit that i am a little jealous. but, mum arrives here on friday for a week, so that will be fun. and i also have to remember that right now the weather is much better here too - today is a scorcher, i think they are saying around 40 with the humidity factor.
have a good day.