jodi picoult
just wanted to let you all know that i have discovered a great new writer. well to tell the truth, i didn't discover her, either mum or kerryn did, and also she's probably not that new, she has written quite a few books. but anyway i think she's really good. her name is jodi picoult and this week i just finished reading 'Perfect Match'. it was great. i also read 'Plain Truth' when i was in the states. i highly recommend her - probably more so to the girls, because though she's not a flowery or girly writer, the main character in both the books i read were girls and that probably just appeals to girls more. maybe i'm wrong. but that's what i think. so, go and get her books if you like a great read.
anyway, just to let you know, i am off to the footy with mum tomorrow to see our beloved crows. hopefully they will win!!! then on monday i am up at 4am to go on our school ski trip to mt buller for the whole week. we leave school just after 5am on monday and get back on friday night around 8pm. it should be a lot of fun!!!