Sunday, July 17, 2005

just as i am

i had my birthday yesterday. on friday night i had a great time out with the girls from school. (i love you girls). i love those girls. we always have great times. though we decided we all get too excited and know enough about each other that we never really finish a conversation. you know how it is.

then yesterday i had lots of great people pop in to visit me on my birthday. again, i am lucky to have great people in my life - all of them came round just for me.

a lot of these people know me quite well. they know my strengths and weaknesses, and probably could tell you a lot more about them than i could (i am not the world's best analyser or self promoter). i have been through lots of different things with them, but they are all still my friends. just as i am.

i am thankful that God loves me just as i am. of course He wants me to be become a better person and i want to become a better person because of Him and what Jesus did on the cross for me. i can try and try and try to become better, and sometimes i succeed and sometimes i fail miserably. but, He still loves me just as i am.

p.s. today's blog reminds me of bridget jones, you know when, doh, forgotten his name, darcy??? tells her he likes/loves? her just as she is. if you're a fan, you know the bit i mean anyway.

p.p.s. feel free to leave comments anytime, no one ever really leaves comments, except wendy, thanks wendy, but anyone can!!! i think i'd like it!


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