Thursday, May 31, 2007

the home of facebook

aparently toronto is the home of facebook - e.g. more people are on facebook than anywhere else in the world (at this stage). but this morning, to my joy, it appears that facebook is beginning to crack australia. i now have a few friends who have discovered it. oh what a beautiful day. not that i really care, but it's nice and can be fun at times.

here's my two cents worth for may 31, 2007 - are you a smiley face or a straight face when walking down the street?
these days i do a lot more walking than i used to. a lot more. i like to smile at people when i walk past them. i don't always do it, but i like to. it's kind of like saying 'hello, we are part of this world together'. sometimes people smile back and sometimes they pretend they didn't really see you. or then there's the straight face. they stare straight ahead and your existance is completely ignored by them. i don't like it. but, it's a slap in the face because sometimes i do that too.
there are some situations, i feel, that require the straight face, though i know there are some that would disagree. but i also know others who hardly ever do the smile thing.

which one are you?


Blogger Heather Princess said...

When Josh, Lorelle, Jenn and I went over to Niagara Falls (you know how it's pronounced!!!!) when they were here at Chrismas, I did a test in the line at the border to see who would wave and smile back at you when you did it to was actually more people responded than not. I was surprised...but maybe it's because they were bored in their cars!!!

1:35 AM  

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