Tuesday, May 22, 2007

growing old gracefully

i was appalled last night stumble on a tv program that was all about an anti aging conference. now, while the main guy seemed to be promote good things, healthy eating, exercise and proper sleep as a means to aging well, he then went on to discuss and promote the ideas of anti-aging medicine.
i (roughly) quote him (should have paid more attention to get his name) 'it's good and well to say that you want to grow old gracefully, but that's a defeatist attitude, and i'm not a defeatist'
i couldn't believe my ears.
now, call me old fashioned, but i think that growing old gracefully actually takes more effort, self control and discipline that this guy will ever have. we are all created to be who we are. one of the spokespersons said 'everyone should feel as good as i do, everyone should wake up and smile and have energy'. well, yes, of course they should. but they also shouldn't be pressured into trying to look 20 when they are 35 or trying to look 30 when they are 60. there's nothing wrong with growing old, that's what we are meant to do.
i love the dove campaign that's out right now. the one with the women who are 'too old to be in an anti-aging commercial but that's ok because they are not'. it's the pro age campaign.
as my mum always has said 'your age is what you make it'. my sister just turned 30 on the weekend, and someone said 30 is the new 20. and in one sense it is. people are longer constrained by age-stereotypes, in my opinion.
don't get me wrong, it's not like i can't wait to go grey and get all wrinkly, but i am not going to let that stop me from living a full life. only God can give me that. i already know that my nearly 28 year old body is not the same as my 22 year old body (and that's only 4 years ago...). so deal with it.
however, this one thing i urge you all, grow old gracefully, and that means naturally. do all you can to look after yourself. eat well, exercise and sleep well. and most importantly, love life and have fun. and remember as someone wise once told me 'your age is what you make it'.
have a fun day - whatever age you are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there's 6 years between 22 and 28.......aren't you the maths teacher????? YOu are slipping in your old age!!!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! I was about to say the same thing as Kez. Good work Fee.

1:41 AM  

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