Thursday, May 03, 2007

new poll

see to the left...i have a new quiz. please take it. even if you don't know me personally, you know my writing, so just choose.

i want to tell you that yesterday as i was walking to matt's house, i saw a woman walking down the footpath (sidewalk for the north americans) wearing a helmet. no bike. just walking along wearing the helmet. hmmm.

speaking of helmets...yesterday was my first day back on the bike. the motorbike that is. well, as a passenger. matt's bike is up and running, and he didn't even have to get new battery as feared. i was on it again today. and learnt a huge lesson. things aren't always what they seem. looking out the window, or even standing outside in a sheltered spot in the sun, you would have thought it was a beautiful warm sunny day. but riding the bike. WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. it was freezing. like to the point where we went back to my house just so i could put on a warmer jumper and my big jacket.

things aren't always what they seem.

i am thankful that the sun shines. it really does make me happy.

sorry this isn't going to be any longer, grace is leading bible study tonight and it starts in 2 mins. got to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, sometimes i put my helmet on as i'm walking down the sidewalk TOWARDS my bike... i hope it wasn't me you were laughing at! hehehe

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I was reading this I was thinking about the times I spent at the Hailes household growing up with yourself and your lovely sister Kez always making fun of me. I believe the quote any time i came over was 'did your mum let you come out without your helmet today?'. Hmmmm nice yet i continue to be friends with you! There are lots more of those comments I do believe but we will leave it at that as it realtes to your blog!
Have a great day my very nice friend and yes mum let me go out without my helmet today!
Megs xx

11:54 PM  

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