Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Human Trafficking + more

One of the passions that is growing in my heart is about the issue of human trafficking. Over the past little while, this passion has been growing, and slowly, yet surely, I am getting more informed. And you know what, there's only so much you can know before you either give up, or get to the action stage. I am thankful that God has given me this desire and I am reaching the action stage.
Just last month, I was supposed to attend The Salvation Army's conference on Human Trafficking Awareness, but then I came down with the stomach flu (see earlier blogs if you really want more information). Most disappointing was that I missed Victor Malarek, author of the book 'The Natashas' that I recently read.
On other fronts, I have seen two provocative/inspiring movies/documentaries that are related to these issues. The first was Amazing Grace. The story of William Wilberforce and his 20 year battle to abolish slavery. The second, I watched this afternoon. It's called 'Born into Brothels'. A documentary about children born into the brothels in Calcutta, India and the work of one woman to try and do something about what she found.
For anyone, interested in the issue or not, I would highly recommend and plead with you to read The Natashas and watching both Amazing Grace and Born into Brothels. At the least, your eyes will be opened.
As with anything, with this passion that is growing within me, I felt the need to start in my own backyard, in the words of maria 'a very good place to start'. I know the names of some of the working girls on the street where I live and work. But that is not enough. I need to do more. I need to have real relationships with them. So after praying and asking God for an opportunity, I got won (as I always say, be careful what you ask God for). I almost didn't take it, but I knew I had to. And I pray that this is just the beginning.
God, give me the courage, the wisodm and the perserverance to not just be a consumer of information, but an activator of change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. I bumped into your blog through other links I frequent and have enjoyed reading it over the last little while. I wanted to say thanks for the recommended viewing and reading . I seem to have found loads of information on the internet re:trafficking but the internet in some senses is harder to share with family and friends. At least with things like movies (those two you suggested I'm definitely going to try and get my hands on) you can sit down with friends or family and watch them together. Its close to my heart also and I'm gradually learning more and more about the issue. I just finished reading 'Not for Sale' by David Batstone. A very thought provoking book.

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, You know me in a wierd way. I came across your blog and would like your e-mial to catch up. I went to the phillipines and saw the poverty that they lived in. We also found out about the prostitution over there. A group of people have put together this cool thing were u sell bracelets that the prostitutes make, and therefore are now not prostitutes. If that makes sence? It was really bad though as the moms sold their daughters into prostitution, for their own survival. These bracelets are soo cool as they are sold worldwide. This will not be much help to u and your friends, but u may get an idea from it.

4:14 AM  
Blogger KangaRoo said...

Human Trafficking - definitely a hot topic, and definitely one that needs to be addressed. You're in the perfect place to start - downtown! Continuous prayer and support will be here on my the meanwhile, i'm sure that this new opportunity will be challenging and a blessing. BTW... I could introduce you to some Free The Children peeps if you'd like!

12:46 PM  

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