should i be blogging about this??? probably not...

i probably shouldn't blogging about this...but seeing as i tell everyone anyway...i have nits (or for those who don't understand - head lice). yesterday morning after waking up from my first night in my bed after our fantastic trip to seattle, i found a bug on my hand.
now, never having had lice before in my entire life (though a few weeks ago i combed a few out of someone else's head) i wasn't exactly sure what it was. my thoughts were it's either lice or bed bugs. out of the two, i would have preferred the lice. anyway, i killed it, then wrapped it up in a tissue, brought it to sandra who comfirmed it was lice and then upon consequnt checking of my head, welcomed me to my full initiation in the area. thanks.
anyway, so my life over the last 24 hours has consisted of washing and blow drying, hair and sheets and clothes. tonight i get to sit there while kanga combs through my whole head. now, thankfully, no bugs were found on my head, just the eggs. but that's still gross. yuk. oh well. hopefully they'll be gone soon.
i had just been thinking recently about becoming complacent. imagine i was complacent about head lice. hmm. don't want to go there. but sometimes, unless something is really pressing, do we really care. if it's not affecting us directly, can we be bothered. do we just keep putting things on the back burner. i am guilty, for many times i have just not bothered doing lots of things because i was too selfish. as a Christian, my life is not about me. it's about living life as God would want you to. and that's not sitting around seeking what's best for me, how i can do this better for me, how things affect me and my world that revolves around me. it about God and others. i forget that sometimes.
who would have thought head lice could remind me of such a valuable lesson!!!
Was trying to access your blog at school and it came up blocked because of pornography!!!! You might have to stop putting up pictures of scantily clad males....
Sorry to hear about the head lice.
Nice blog.
God bless you.
welcome to the club. You're blessed though, Kanga's like, the best at that whole head checking thing...very no nonsense...
Bob says, "You're a 'lousy' speller (smile) Trust they have all been destroyed, they are a nucience.
Take care and God bless.
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