sunny(?) seattle + balance

ahhh, so lovely to see my little daniel again. he's gotten so big...though not quite big enough for daddy's shoes just yet!!!
so, we flew (much to matt's delight) here on friday. thanks to colin and sarah for driving us to buffalo! we had a nice night meeting up with my whole family and also matt's sister, brother in law and their daughter (Zoe, Chris and Riley). saturday we got up and went for a shop/visit to U Village. it was lovely there and there was no rain that day, though when we were trying to leave we stuck stuck in husky football traffic, meaning it took us an hour and a half to get home (NB - trip should take 25ish minutes).
sat night, a few of us went to the justice and worship conference that seattle temple had on. 'the singing company' led worship, and danielle strickland spoke. afterwards, matt, dad and i headed round to kez and hil's to eat krispy kremes. YUM. i love those.
sunday we went to seattle temple and that was really great. the singing company again led worship as did tom freeman. both were excellent. Geoff (Ryan) spoke really well. i think the best i can recall hearing him speak. matt said it was really interesting to hear him and see him outside our context. you know, we just seee him him living out the convictions he was speaking about. ha. it's funny. in a good way. we were proud of him!
one of the thoughts running through my head right now is balance. it's so important for Christians to be balanced people. i'm talking about a balanced focus on all the areas that a Christian needs to be concerned with - prayer, repentance, worship, scripture, the Holy Spirit, social justice etc. all too often i have seen people become too worried about one aspect and in turn become what i'll call an unbalanced Christian. Now, while i don't think i have ever been so concerned with just one aspect that i could be called an extremist, i know there have been times in my life where while some of those areas have been great, some, at the same time, have been neglected. when we go to extremes, something suffers. where it's our relationship with God, or with people, something suffers. balance is the key.
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