to continue this series on men in my life. today it is a special day for one of them. Hil. Hil is my favourite brother in law (granted he's the only one i have and ever will have). It is his birthday today and i want to wish him a happy happy birthday. that's right - 2 happy's.
He is a wonderful match for my sister. and a fantastic dad to my favourite nephew in the whole world. He's actually pretty smart too, he's currently doing his masters at uni. in stats or maths or something that most of us would not only not comprehend, but also find boring...!!! he's a very good musician too. and most importantly, he loves and serves God really well.
oh, and he can be pretty funny too.
anyway, happy birthday hil.
p.s. in the picture, hil is the one with glasses.
Wow - that's my favourite tribute!! ha ha.
Hey...Just to let you know... When you get married it is quite possible for you to have another brother-in-law. Um..yeah...that's it.
But he could still be your first and favorite brother in law!!!!
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Your cousin-in-law wanted me to tell you that it was his birthday today too.
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