Sunday, February 26, 2006

nice scenery

i spent the weekend down at lorne. we were on patrol - p3 - the best patrol - well, we think so anyway! the world life saving championships were on. those athletes are machines. the scenery was fantastic. there we no dramas as far as we were concerned. but after we had finished, the first aiders from the worlds had to deal with a poor french(?) girl who had been mucking around with her team mates, when one of the boys threw her. she hit her head hard on the sand and completely blacked out, she also had bit her lip and so was bleeding from the mouth. not good. poor girl. she had to go to the hospital. i bumped into nick, an old swimming friend of darren's - i told him ew'd try and catch up when you are here daz- that was nice to see him. i was also inpsired to get superfit after seeing all these awesome athletes in action.

i have to make an apology - the other day i wrote that i knew who the anonymous comment poster was, but i don't. i asked them and they went nope. so i don't know who it was.

a big thanks to tam who produced my ad for raw camp. it's our youth group camp that is coming up on the long weekend in march. matt and i filmed it on my camera and then tam whacked it all together as a dvd. she's great. so knowledgeable. just remember tam- july 16th...

today the countdown has hit four weeks, four sleeps til i go away. excited, scared, not scared, can't wait, don't want to pack, don't want to leave the warm weather, do i have enough money, plus a few other things, that's how i am feeling at the moment. one thing that i am definitely excited about is to see my family and my special little daniel.


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