Tuesday, October 18, 2005

you just never know...

thanks to my little bro for his additions to my blog. i actually haven't got much news tonight. so i'll just share one of my silly things i like to do. i like it when i am sitting at the traffic lights and i can watch other cars drive by. i like to look at the drivers and see if i think they match their cars. a lot of people do you know, match their cars. some don't. i pulled up at the lights yesterday and looked at the black holden astra sitting next to me. i think astra's are girls cars. i like them a lot, but more a girl's car. anyway in the passenger seat was this big bloke, long hair in a pony tail, a beard. i looked to the driver, also a male, more neat looking. i thought, nope, they don't suit that car. then, to my surprise, i saw that the big hairy bloke was knitting. no joke. i thought to myself, wow, i never would have picked that one.
point of the story, i just wrote the other day about not judging people. seeing if people match their cars is not quite the kind of judging that i am talking about, but the big hairy bloke knitting in the astra goes to prove that you just never know...


Blogger Karyn Baker said...

Hey, Fiona - I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment on your blog. I actually popped on it by mistake (was going for the one beside it in somebody's 'links') and got interested in reading your stuff! (I'm a friend of Darren's in Vancouver.) I liked this mental picture you've created of that guy knitting - a little weird, but nonetheless entertaining. I don't check people and their cars (yet), but I do sometimes look to see if married couples match each other. Especially when they're young, before they grow to look alike (and what's with that, anyway?). Anyhow, be blessed in the name of our Lord! We love your bro up here, thanks for lending him to us.

1:26 AM  

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