Sunday, October 09, 2005


if you say, i'm available to someone, but then say, from then to then, and i expect that it will look like this, are you really available? or not?
decisions are hard to make sometimes. so many factors involved - or are there? usually it comes down to one or two things, really, that are the key influences in making a decision. but we do like to involve this that and everything in the decision making process. sometimes we aren't strong enough to do what is best, or what is right, or even what we'd like. i'd like to think that i can make the decision that is the best one for me and for those involved in my life. if only it were easy to make the decision and then follow through. sometimes it's harder to make the decision than it is to follow through and sometimes it's harder to follow through than it is to make the decision.
is this making your head hurt? i think it's making mine hurt...


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