Monday, April 02, 2007

my rambling thoughts on the last year

i left home over a year ago now. i departed melbourne on march 31st. i didn't arrive in toronto until april17th, i spent inbetween time in seattle. so it's kind of weird now i have been gone from home for a year, but not yet been here a year. a lot has happened.

- i got engaged
- i am as white as i've ever been
- i've grown a lot closer to God
- nana passed away
- matt and beth got married
- cath got engaged (and will be married in less than two weeks)
- mills moved to sydney (i know i'm not there, but that's still weird for me to think about)
- i went to the grand canyon
- i went to newfoundland
- bec passed away
- i've lived in three different bedrooms in the same house

just to name a few.

my thoughts have been evolving and developing on lots of different issues and i'll never be the same again. all of this in a good way - as far as i'm concerned. there are lots of things i do miss about home. mostly still just the people. my friends, church family, school family (vermont that is) still enter my thoughts a lot. i desparately miss the weather. and the australian way of life. i miss the beach (including the house at mccrae and the caravan at safety beach), black forest chocolate and raspberry bullets and caramello koalas. i miss running in shorts in winter. i miss being able to swim in a 50 metre outside pool - year round.

i thank God for the experiences i've had over the last year. i thank Him for bringing matt and i together. yet again, i feel truly blessed.


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