Bec (Rebecca) Philp

this is Bec. she was a special girl in my life for what now seems like such a short time. early last saturday morning she passed away (epileptic seizure in the middle of the night). she was just 17. i will always remember her smile. she was a beautiful girl. we spent some good times together (and some harder ones too). she would pretty much tell me what she thought, though sometimes it would take some prompting and i'd first get the shrug of the shoulders and the 'i don't know'. but she always did. she always had an opinion. and it would come out. she searched for truth, and she wasn't fake to me. i wanted the best for Bec, I truly did. I wanted her to have a fantastic life. to live and to love. even though she was only 17, i do believe she had experienced life and love. she loved her family. loved to talk about her brothers to me. and her friends. and her parents. she loved them all a lot.
i don't know, and never expect to know, in this life, why things like this happen. but they do. it's a broken and imperfect world.
bec, i will miss you. i wish i had seen you when i was home. i am sorry. i pray and believe that you are in a better place than all of us left here.
Bec, truly was a beautiful young lady, still can't believe that she is gone. It just doesn't seem fair. Janette and I were just talking about you this week Fee, and saying how much Bec missed you. She used to love the talks that she had with you. You were a huge influence in her life. Rest in Peace Bec.
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