thoughts and learning
i've been getting itchy feet this week about my learning. i feel like i have stopped. and i've just noticed this. i need to read more. i want to learn more. about so many different things. if you don't make this a priority, it's something that can easily slip away. go by unnoticed. but the feeling i am feeling now is where to start. there are so many areas that i am interested in. arrgghh. i am wishing there were more hours in the day. goals are important to have. i think i need to write down some tangible goals and some out there goals, just to help get my head sorted about which areas are really the ones i am going to pursue. i am also going to start eating better and exercising properly again come monday. i have been slack the last few weeks. the snow is all gone now, so i can start running outside again.
i got some great news today. my grandma and auntie mary are coming to my wedding! i think dad said they are booking their tickets this week. woo hoo. i feel very special that grandma will be at my wedding. i remember when our oldest cousin paul got married, she kept commenting that the rest of us had better hurry up and get married before she dies! well since then only kerryn and louise have gotten married. grandma didn't make it to kerryn's wedding, but made up for that by visiting at daniels birth. so i'll be the 4th grandchild to get married (she's only got 9 and after me, there's one promising relationship but who knows about the other 4 boys...). so i guess that's why i'm priviledged enough for her to fly to the opposite side of the world! by that stage, she'll be 85! but she's going to kick on forever. yay for grandma.
also, i missed a birthday this week. kat mellody turned 21. oh i wish i could have been at her 21st. she's one of the funniest girls i know. love ya kat, happy birthday. (kat is 2nd from left - pictured with emma, annie and miriam - left to right).

Everyone always says that they will start eating better and more excericse on MONDAY!!!!
Mondays come and go and what do you know, you'll start next monday!
Good luck!
Yeah it's Sunday night in Seattle and I am going to eat better starting tomorrow. yesterday i actually spewed from eating too much. Went out for lunch to the cheesecake factory, then had cake in the afternoon at someone's house and then attempeted to eat dinner even though I wasn't hungry - and then I spewed.
today I had lemon pound cake followed by bacon and ranch pringles - only in America!!!!
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