birthdays birthdays birthdays
Today is a day to wish more birthday wishes (and there's more to come this week!)

Tuesday was Jodie Lomer's birthday. Jodie is a great friend of mine. Wife of Jay and mother of Ethan and Seth. She's a strong pray-er and always up for a chat. She's been a long time friend of mine and i was priviledged to be in her wedding party (all those years ago - ha ha). She loves and cares for people well. She's a constant.
Today is Shirl Lewis' birthday. Shirl is an extremely busy woman. Wife of Chris and mother of Emma, Dustin and Jake. Shirl is also a great friend of mine. She's like family. Both Darren and I have spent time living with the Lewis family and both of us had a great time there. Two Christmases ago, while I back home, the Lewis family were in Seattle with my family. We love them a lot.
Happy Birthday to both of you!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate (and to swim in your pool shirl - i am still wearing my winter jacket and mitts - much rather be in your backyard with my bathers on!).

My week is going well, though i am getting tired. After march break last week, with these guys here from new york this week, while it's fun and going well, i am getting less sleep than i did on camp and have more responsibility. but thats all good. got to go.
Thanks Fee for the Birthday wishes, I had a great day and my kids spoilt me. I also got three, yes, three lots of flowers sent to me from Chris! Amazing!!
I too wish you were here swimming in my pool! We miss you heaps!
Love Shirl
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