'it'll work out'

mum has always had this catch phrase 'it'll work out'. she'll use it in almost any situation. it will often bookend 'i don't know how just yet, but i just know it will'. i couldn't tell you how many times she's said that to me, or used it about other situations. funny thing is. things always have. sometimes quickly, other times slowly. but they do, they always work out. i remember in one particular situation just last year when she comforted(?) me with those words, she later admitted that she really didn't know if it would, but it did anyway.
theres a verse in the bible that it makes me think of ..and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him... now for me, this is true. obviously, good things happen and things work out for those who don't love God either. but that's not my story and i'm just telling you my story right now.
so, i guess, if anyone's facing anything right now, and you're not quite sure what's going, just know it'll work out. i don't know how, i don't know when, i just know it will. it'll work out.
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