These are the girls from school - work that is. most of my girlfriends are pictured here (merf is also in this gang, see previous blogs about her - the crazy dress up ones). through my 5ish years at vermont, we all formed a pretty close bond. we were in a similar boat - young, beautiful, intelligent, wonderful, caring teachers (ok, so that's what we were all striving to be). but through all the countless days of classes, meetings, assemblies and even surf and ski camps, we managed to find time to have sleepovers, coffees and dinners (albeit at 3.30pm on friday afternoons), hen's nights, weddings, baby showers, quilting clubs and gym visits. we knew how blessed we were to be working with such a great group of friends. we also knew that it wouldn't last and that one day we might never have again what we had at vermont. but the friendships will last. thanks girls for making my time at vermont so wonderful. as most of you are back there now, to start another year, make sure you take some time out to interupt someone else's free period when they are supposed to be working and hang out, or better yet, find nat's biology class and run through it with a mexican sombrero (not sure how to spell that) on for me (you can usually find them in stevo's office). love you girls. hope to see you soon.
I am jealous - I wish my teachers had of looked like that when I was in high school!!! He, he he.
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