Aussie Visitors Part 2 - The MSB

me and bandmaster ken

me and cousin paul

me and rob
As i mentioned in my last blog, i was really blessed last weekend when the MSB (Melbourne Staff Band) came to visit ME in toronto. First of all, i was so excited to see so many friends, family and familiar faces. Not to mention that as a result of their visit, i came into possession of 10 blocks of Australian cadbury chocolate (it is just not the same here). and just in case you are wondering i have 6 left...i have been sharing...seriously...
anyway, i would have been happy enough just to catch up with all these people, who made it feel like i was at home again, but then i was treated to a spectacular band concert too. Every single time the MSB played, God was given the glory. every piece was praise to God and it blessed me far more than i have been blessed since i arrived in canada. i thank God for ken and his boys and girls who used their gifts and talents to present the message of God and glorify Him. and i couldn't let this blog happen without mentioning the wonderful piece in the second half which was all choreographed. i have never seen a brass band do anything like it and i loved it.
then on sunday mornning, i, being a MSB groupie now, faithfully followed them to Yorkminster Corps, where again, i was blessed by their ministry. and i also got to see the Wriggles, who were apparently and i quote 'being silly'.
so, thanks to the MSB. know that you serve and represent God well. i was excited for your visit and when you came, i was blessed more than i could have imagined.
more pictures are on their way...
How cool that you saw lots of people and had a great time - btw you and Matt look great together in the photos - you can marry if you want - but I still would like to meet him at some stage before that happens!
love you and miss you heaps
So no pictures of me! Sorry I didn't bring you chocolate as requested. Thanks for the nice things you say about the MSB.
Dazza Waterworth
Of all the blogs I could have found, I found someone I know. Its alistair smith here, scottish kid, child of lesely smith. Yeah am pretty sure Ive met you when I was younger and you were a bridesmaid at my mums wedding, not that I remember that. So hello, and well done with the blogging. Its a small world (wide web)
Alistair XD
Hey Fee,
Thanks for ringing, sorry we didn't get to finish our chat, i'll write you an email soon as i have lots more to say. I love you and miss you stacks!
Love Betho
Hi Fee..
Its just a shame that the MSB couldnt make it back to the UK.. I would have loved to have seen them.. I love the photos.. I will try to give you a call sometime soon.. just let me know when is a good time.. maybe drop me a email and let me know..
Take care chick..
I agree with Kez about meeting Matt.. I was thinking maybe we could catch up sometime when I am over in Canada/Seattle in Feb..the last week.. Booked flights..
Take care Footey!!! xoxoxo
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