things i love and things i hate
i hate mice. i really hate mice. a saw one in our house on friday night and i freaked. l do thw whole screaming and jump up on whatever is closest thing. i really do. and that's my natural reaction. i hate them. so matt bought us some traps on the way home from work and we set them. we had one dead mouse by saturday morning. sweet. or so i thought. i bought more traps on saturday afternoon. i set them sunday morning. we killed another one maybe an hour later. then, when grace and heather got home from church, grace was walking up the stairs and heard the trap in MY ROOM go off and then she heard squeaking. it was caught by it's leg. they put a bucket over it and a heavy book on top. matt stopped by on his way home from work (meanwhile, i am out with Daz having an absolute blast night toboganning at the local park that has a MASSIVE hill - it was so much fun!!!) and had to take it outside and kill it. then i set the traps again when i got home and bang, before we went to bed, we killed another one. YUK YUK YUK! i hate them. daz got to sleep in my bed, and i slept on the couch because i am too freaked out to sleep in my room. if we catch one more, i am calling the exterminator. in fact, i might call anyway. I HATE MICE.
on a lighter note, my car, which I LOVE. is now up for sale. my little lancer has done me well over the last 5 years. it's been a great little car and i have never once had any problems with it. so thank you little lancer. i hope you go soon to a new family who will love you as much as i have (p.s. if you are in melbourne and want to buy my car, let me know).
i thing i hate is miscommunication. i one thing i love is justice.
two more things i love are my brother (who decided to come and visit - and is here now) and toboganning. one more thing i hate is when it's -15 and you are doing anything but toboganning.

I totally understand the hating mice thing... when I was living at the ignite house we killed 10 mice in mine and Heather's closet alone... it's gross!
I hope the mice go away!
By the way big CONGRATS to you and Matt!!!
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