Sunday, August 07, 2005


we had BOLT (high school aged church) on friday night and the VCE ages kids ran it! they were brilliant. sarah was excellent. jess was excellent. phoebe added a new dimension to worship leading when she prayed 'that the devil would poo his pants...'.
but i would like to specifically acknowledge two more of them on my blog.
the first one is Dustin Lewis (i think he's 16??). he put together a multi media presentation and it was brilliant. i am in awe of his skill - firstly, that he can actually do something like that - secondly, how his thoughtful insights were. thanks Dustin for using your gifts and talents for God.
the other person in Kirsten Gourd (17). she preached. it was her first time. she was brilliant. firstly - she spoke clearly and precisely. secondly and more importantly she spoke challenging words from God. i thank you Kirsten for the effort you put into your preaching. she spoke about what kind of life would you prefer to live - for others, for yourself or for God. you're awesome KG.
i love you guys!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Fee, you are seriously the King. Thankyou so much for saying all that stuff about me... i'm on the internet - I'm famous! Haha, nah you are such a legend. You truly inspire me to live my best for God everyday, and to have a good attitude about it! The way you live, the way you carry yourself, your passion for your job, your love for people, your devotion to God and your insane sense of humor make me go wow... you're someone i really want to grow up like.
love you lots,
Kirsten xox
PS: my mates from school reckon your hot. You probably don't care, but i thought i'd add that.

4:30 AM  

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