Tuesday, June 07, 2005

4 sleeps

i can't wait. i have only four sleeps till i get on the plane to go and visit my family!!! i can't wait to meet daniel for the first time. i hope he's in a good mood and i can cuddle him for ages! i finished my reports this morning, that's the first major thing on my imaginary 'things to do before i go' list. there are a few more, like get milo for darren. i think every email he has sent me in the last 2 weeks has had the word milo appear at least 18 times.

so i have been naughty and not blogged for a while. but know that i know at least 2 people read my blog (thanks dad and wendy), i am inspired to get on it again. i think i will use it while away to keep people updated as i go!

here's my thought for the day....

there's always someone worse off

i have so much that i have been blessed with...a great family, great job, great place to live and great people to live with, wonderful friends and great (surrogate) church family. every day i have food to eat, clean water to drink and hot water to shower in, a working toilet (and we fixed the door so you don't get stuck in there anymore), a big warm bed to sleep in every night. and i could go on, but i won't. i am so blessed.

maybe i'll change my thought for the day

there aren't many better off...

i am so rich!!!


Blogger Wendy G said...

Hey Fiona, glad I conned you back into writing. Did anyone mention that your entire family seems astonishingly literate? I feel fortunate to be able to read your thoughts - all 3 of you Hailes bloggers have written AWESOME stuff. AWESOME. Just know that we're thinking of all your family as you now have so few sleeps to go. Give Daniel a hug from us! Not to mention your mum and dad too . . .
Wendy (who can't imagine having a dad who writes like your dad, or a brother that blogs thoughts like your brother . . . did I use the word AWESOME lately????)

6:02 AM  

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